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If you are researching “What is the ideal temperature for betta fish,” you are clearly going to be a great betta fish parent. Few people even consider that betta fish are tropical fish that need warmer water than the typical ambient temperature in the average home. There are some slight differences in the recommendations of betta fish professionals when it comes to the ideal temperature range for bettas, but the difference is usually only a degree or 2. Choosing a basic aquarium heater will allow you to maintain the best water temperature for bettas with ease and minimal cost.

What Is the Ideal Temperature for Betta Fish?
Your betta fish will thrive in water temperatures of 76 to 81 degrees fahrenheit (approximately 24.5 – 27.5 celcius). Although they can tolerate higher or lower temperatures, they will be the most healthy and active when the range is maintained within these parameters. Betta fish are tropical fish descended from tropical and subtropical climates. The first wild Siamese Fighting Fish came from Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand.

What Are the Ideal Water Conditions for Betta Fish?
Other than water temp, there are some other water conditions that should be considered for betta fish.

Always Use a Water Conditioner/Dechlorinator
Treating tap water with a water conditioner removes chlorine from the water, making it safe for bettas. This is a necessary step unless you plan to allow your tap water to sit out for at least 24 hours before adding it to your betta’s aquarium. Allowing the water to sit out over an extended period of time allows the chlorine to evaporate. Personally, I prefer using a dechlorinator because it feels like more of a sure thing to me. There are usually other beneficial properties of dechlorinators like improving and/or protecting the slime coat.

Ammonia, Nitrate and Nitrite
Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels should be kept at extremely low levels. This is done by keeping your take clean and filtered. Tanks that are cycled prior to adding fish are able to build up good bacteria. This also helps maintain low to 0ppm levels of these compounds.

Water pH
The ideal water pH for bettas is 7, which is neutral. However, bettas can easily tolerate a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 well. As you can see betta fish are pretty adaptable. The main thing to watch out for is that the water pH isn’t too high or alkaline. High water pH can translate to high ammonia. Low pH isn’t a very common problem, but if you are one of the unlucky few, acidic conditions can be uncomfortable or even toxic for your betta.

Water Hardness
Water hardness is another factor that can affect water conditions. Bettas prefer softer water. When testing your water, you want to see a General hardness range of 50 to 66.7ppm and a Carbonate hardness range of 53.6 to 89.4ppm for bettas.
We are so proud of you for wanting to give your new, old, or future betta fish the best possible chance of survival. Learning the ideal temperature for bettas is so important to having happy, healthy betta fish.

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Feel Betta Indonesia

Ornamental Fish Exporter

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
+62 821 222 777 80


Copyright © 2022 Feel Betta Indonesia | Supported by MIB

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