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You are thinking about purchasing your very first betta fish. Now, you have to plan out your new pet’s aquarium. You picked out a great tank and are ready to start cycling it to prepare for your betta’s arrival. What’s next? Hmmm, can betta fish live in tap water? Well, yes, but with some modifications. Let’s chat about the best water conditions for bettas.


Can Betta Fish Live in Tap Water?
Tap water is actually ideal to use for bettas, but it needs to be conditioned with a dechlorinating water conditioner. You don’t need to purchase one specific for bettas as it isn’t any different than a regular water conditioner. The key is that it should say that it dechlorinates the water which simply means that it removes chlorine, which can be at best, harmful to your betta, and, at worst, deadly to your betta fish. Water conditioners also remove harmful chloramine and heavy metals. These products work quickly – within only a couple of minutes.

The Best Betta Fish Water
Now we know that betta fish thrive in dechlorinated tap water, but there is more to understand about creating an ideal water environment for your betta fish. The key to good care of a betta fish that lengthens their lifespan is keeping the water clean. While bettas don’t require a tank with filtration, it will keep their water cleaner longer than without. It really depends on your setup, of course, but a 50% water change weekly is a great way to keep most betta aquariums clean and nitrite levels very low.

Best Betta Water Parameters:
Water Temperature: 76 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit
Water pH: 6.5 to 7.5
Water Ammonia Level: 0 ppm
Water Nitrite Level: 0 ppm
Water Nitrate Level: <20 ppm
Water GH (General Hardness): 50 to 66.7 ppm (3-4 dGH)
Water KH (Carbonate Hardness): 53.6 to 89.4 ppm (3-5 dKH)

Can Betta Fish Live in Distilled Water?
Never use purified or distilled water for betta fish. The process of distilling water eliminates the good minerals and nutrients that your fish normally gets from its environment. Using distilled water would also require pH checks because the pH of distilled water lowers with exposure to air.

Is Spring Water Safe for Betta Fish?
Yes, spring water tends to be safe for bettas. If you choose spring water, check and monitor the pH to be sure it falls in the recommended guidelines for bettas. While you won’t need a water conditioner that removes chlorine, adding a stress coat additive is ideal.

Can I Use Bottled Water for Betta?
Bottled water and spring water are the same thing. So, read above:)

Can I Use Bottled Water for Betta?
Well water is iffy. There can be great things about well water like less treatment chemicals, but there can also be contaminants like herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals, and even parasitic contaminants. A lot of pet stores will test your water for you. This can help you determine if it is appropriate for bettas.

We have helped you answer the burning betta water questions, “What kind of water do betta fish need,” “What kind of water is bad for bettas,” and “Can betta fish live in tap water.” Getting the water right is the most crucial piece of betta fish care. Maintaining the ideal water parameters for betta fish will extend the life expectancy of your fish and keep it much healthier, in general.

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Feel Betta Indonesia

Ornamental Fish Exporter

Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
+62 821 222 777 80


Copyright © 2022 Feel Betta Indonesia | Supported by MIB

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